News Archive

Press releases

Read about the development of business at AGRANA in our press releases and other publications.


AGRANA successfully concludes 2021|22 sugar beet processing campaign

- Sugar production volume amounts to around 850,000 tonnes (of which 455,000 tonnes in Austria) - CEO Markus Mühleisen: “Beet revenues for farmers rise significantly”

Successful completion of starch potato and wet corn campaigns

At the end of January, AGRANA successfully concluded the 2021|22 processing seasons for starch potatoes and wet corn at its Austrian starch factories.

Green power initiative: AGRANA deploys further energy efficiency measures at Gmünd potato starch factory

Collaboration with RWA Solar Solutions as the installer and operator of AGRANA’s first large-scale photovoltaic installation, covering an area of 1,650 m2

With solid business performance in first nine months, AGRANA remains on track to achieve significant EBIT growth for full financial year

Results for the first three quarters of 2021|22 (ended 30 November 2021)

EBIT of € 31.2 million in third quarter 2021|22 higher than expected

Group EBIT target for full year unchanged


AGRANA confers promotion award for science and research at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

For the 23rd time, AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG has conferred its promotion award for science and research. Norbert Harringer, Board Director of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG, today handed over the AGRANA Research Promotion Award to Evi Deltedesco and Heidrun Leonhardt at the University of…

More taste, energy and immune defence: AGRANA presents new product developments at Gulfood Manufacturing in Dubai

The Gulf Region and Asia are a key attraction for new food concepts and a market open to innovations. In other words, the ideal place for the Austria-based global food manufacturer AGRANA to present new product developments for ice cream, yoghurts, bakery products, snacks,…

AGRANA reaffirms full-year forecast, with significant EBIT growth in 2021|22 financial year

Earnings in first half of 2021|22 still below one year earlier

Sugar beet campaign: AGRANA starts its processing season in Austria

Good planting conditions for 2022 / contracting from October

Campaign start: processing at starch factories well underway

€ 25 million investment in additional capacity